Monday, March 13, 2006

Internet Marketing Secrets

Internet Marketing Secrets

If you are either a newbie to the Internet or are a seasoned veteran, I would highly recommend ckecking out, "The Insider Secrets to Marketing Your Business on the Internet", to anyone! Throughout this course you will find endless techniques and strategies such as the tips you will find below.

Do you want to double or triple your web site income? Well, the best way I know of going about this is to TEST! Of course the saying goes "if it aint broke, don't fix it". But how will you ever know if you can be bringing in higher profits unless you test occassionaly.

I'm sure there are many of you out there who don't take testing seriously. Before I increased my sales by over 300% (practically overnight), I didn't test much either! However, when I saw the incredible difference a headline made, I became a testing convert.

But what exactly should you be testing? If you are selling a product with a sales letter make sure you test the following things:

- Your headline
- Your offer
- Your copy
- Your layout (how you lead your prospect through your sales material)
- Your price
- Your ordering process
- The use of color
- The font

Usually changes to things like color and font only make small differences in the response you receiveā€¦ unless your choices are very unusual. But keep in mind that even these small differences can add up! By testing each of these items separately, you will be able to see how your profits can explode by making even just one minor change.

Until next time... to Your Cyber Success!

~Your Cyber Coach


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